Therapeutic Behavioral Services (TBS) & Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR)
Therapeutic Behavioral Services (TBS) and Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR) services are an array of activities intended to provide individualized supports or care coordination of healthcare, behavioral healthcare, and non-healthcare services. TBS and PSR may involve collateral contacts and may be delivered in all settings that meet the needs of the individual.
TBS activities include, but are not limited to the following:
Consultation with a licensed practitioner or an eligible provider to assist with the individual's needs and service planning for individualized supports or care coordination of healthcare, behavioral healthcare, and non-healthcare services and development of a treatment plan
Referral and linkage to other healthcare, behavioral healthcare, and non- healthcare services to avoid more restrictive levels of treatment
Interventions using evidence-based techniques
Identification of strategies or treatment options
Restoration of social skills and daily functioning
Crisis prevention and amelioration
PSR service activities include, but are not limited to the following:
Restoration, rehabilitation and support of daily functioning to improve self- management of the negative effects of psychiatric or emotional symptoms that interfere with a person's daily functioning
Restoration and implementation of daily functioning and daily routines critical to remaining successfully in home, school, work, and community
Rehabilitation and support to restore skills to function in a natural community environment